Want To Conserve Energy and Maintain Steady Momentum As A Busy Writer? Avoid These 3 Things

Simple Alternatives to Help You Better Embrace Your Journey

Jane Anne


Pixels Photo by Allan Mas

Suppose no one has ever told you this, let me be the first.

There are things you shouldn’t do as a busy writer to protect your sanity, conserve energy, and maintain a steady momentum.​

  1. Overcomplicate things.
  2. Focus only on one part of your trifecta.
  3. Make decisions based on the demands of others.

Overcomplicating things

Falling into this habit trap will cause an imbalance in how you show up for yourself, work, and create art.

The alternative is:

  • Choose simplicity.
  • Quit overthinking everything.
  • Start doing things in bite sizes.

Stick with a frequency and workflow that works for you. However, don’t hesitate to switch things up if necessary.

Focusing only on one part of your trifecta

The three parts of your trifecta — life, work, and making art — are important. Focusing only on one half of it will inevitably steal the joy and…



Jane Anne

Juggling a 9–5 & Writing -> I help busy writers balance life-work-and making art, overcome overwhelm, create consistently & thrive -> https://shorturl.at/ZYD21